Your Lawyer and 3 Other People You Should *Not* Give Equity To
The Hidden Costs of Handing Out Equity Giving people equity has a number of hidden costs which may include everything from having to get them to sign off on an acquisition (depending on how it is structured, you may need 100% shareholder approval) to them having a variety of shareholder rights which may allow them to become a pain in the butt.
Your Lawyer and 3 Other People You Should *Not* Give Equity To
Your Lawyer and 3 Other People You Should…
Your Lawyer and 3 Other People You Should *Not* Give Equity To
The Hidden Costs of Handing Out Equity Giving people equity has a number of hidden costs which may include everything from having to get them to sign off on an acquisition (depending on how it is structured, you may need 100% shareholder approval) to them having a variety of shareholder rights which may allow them to become a pain in the butt.